
We recently had two weddings in our family. There is that moment in weddings when you hold your breath and try not to leak tears, because it is beautiful. 

The men have been waiting at the front. 
All the bridesmaids are down the aisle. 
The doors have closed, briefly. 
The music changes. 
Mother stands, the congregation swiftly following. 
Most everyone turns their head to the back to look as
the doors open, 
the Bride begins to walk down the aisle,
and those who are watching the Groom catch a glimpse of something magical. 

You have the entire walk to look at the Bride. There is only one split moment, though, to see the change flash across the Grooms face. To see his eyes light up, his mouth curve in a smile, his back straighten, his hands readjust. Sometimes he is moved to tears seeing his bride for the first time. 

He's seen her before. He's seen her at her worst and at her best. Angry and crying, or peaceful and kind. He's seen her in sweatpants with no makeup on. He's seen her in beautiful, fancy dresses with her hair curled. 

But never in all white. Not before now. Today, the Groom sees her in white. He pledges life long sacrifice to his bride, and she to him. 

This is why weddings are so special. So joyous. Because for a moment you get a glimpse that true love really does exist. As a Christian, I am reminded that true love is found in the person of Christ. He saw the sinfulness, the entire person, and he acted, wholeheartedly sacrificing unto death. 

"But God commendeth his love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us." [Romans 5:8]

Christ delights in his church, in the hope of eternity with her. He looks at you, Christian, with the same joy a Groom shows on his wedding day. When you trusted in Christ as your Saviour and Lord, Christ took on your debt of sin and you inherited His righteousness.  God sees you white as snow, because He remembers Christ standing at the altar and pouring His life out for His bride. This is true love. 

Christ's love is good news for the single. It frees from loneliness and the ache of yearning. Christ went to the cross, He chose you. He is your friend, one you have access to at every moment. 

"And he said unto me, My grace is sufficient for thee: for my strength is made perfect in weakness." [II Cor. 12:9]

Christ's love is good news for the married. It frees each spouse from fulfilling the other person, and lets each person practice forgiveness when they fail each other. 

"Forbearing one another, and forgiving one another, if any man have a quarrel against any: even as Christ forgave you, so also do ye." [Col. 3:13]

Christ's love is good news for the world. His Spirit is in each Christian, so that as they are progressively molded to the character of Christ, they can go into the world and outpour a love which 

Suffereth long
Is kind
Envieth not
Vaunteth not itself
Is not puffed up
Doth not behave itself unseemly
Seeketh not her own
Is not easily provoked
Thinketh no evil
Rejoiceth not in iniquity
But rejoiceth in the truth

Beareth all things
Believeth all things
Hopeth all things
Endureth all things
Never faileth
[‭‭1 Corinthians‬ ‭13]

to the people that they work with, the families they are a part of, and the strangers they meet. 

Remember God's love manifested through Christ, the good news. 

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