
Perfection. Its something we all strive for, in our own way. Every day we wake up with a renewed sense that if we get it together, or play the charades well enough today, that this life will be acceptable to others; acceptable to God. 

When you have Christ, you already have it. He is it, the end, finite. And although you are far from perfect today, God knows that, and He is changing it daily. Each day is a step closer to heaven, becoming more like Christ in your heart, mind, soul. When it finally comes, you will be complete. Are you caught up in heaven, Christ Himself? Then you'll be there for the struggle. You were made for this; for the struggle, the pain,  Grace. Sanctification only occurs through the fire, but you have His Word that it ends in perfection, in the Image of a Holy God complete in you. 

And what does God see when He looks at you, in all your failure, deceit, wrong choices, sin, weakness? He sees perfection. He sees His Son. He sees Christ on those days when you open His love letter, talk to Him, and show Him to others. He sees Christ when you're in the darkness, in the pit, a conflicting mass of hurt and pain and a complete wreck. 

The work that is going on in your life is never changing how He views you; it is changing how you view Him. God is unchangeable, faithful in His work. You may be certain that the work will be finished one day. Yearn for that day, when all of you will be all of Christ. When every breath you take is full of love for Him; each day is made for you to show devotion, every person you see gets a piece of Christ from you. 

Stop striving. Its not your work; its His. Your job is surrender; let God show you Himself. He died to do it.  He died to show you His love, to give you His grace, to perfect and complete you in a way that nothing and no one on this earth could. Your life belongs to Christ because He bought you with His blood. And what joy awaits you when you trust and obey. You cannot imagine the good that God has in store; who can plumb the depths of Christ Himself? 

Complete in Thee! no work of mine
May take, dear Lord, the place of Thine;
Thy blood hath pardon bought for me,
And I am now complete in Thee.

Yea, justified! O blessed thought!
And sanctified! Salvation wrought!

Thy blood hath pardon bought for me
And glorified, I too, shall be!

1 comment:

Kaitlin said...

This reminds me of my favorite verse to a song:

"There is a place inside of me. I'm thankful no one else can see thoughts I've had, wrongs I've done. I wish I could take back every one. Like a father who loves His children. You've seen my faults, Lord, and You've forgiven me. THE ONE I WISH I WAS IS THE ONE THAT YOU SEE AND THAT'S WHAT AMAZES ME."